
Thanks to our readers for all the kind words.

There is not a single project in the market that has this thorough documentation.

The Decred Journal is truly an asset that continues to blow away with the sheer volume of activity each month.

Confidence and conviction are a result of clarity and high quality.


(@Checkmate on 2021-01-12)

I feel like I post something similar on every one of these, but, I really am impressed with the quality and huge amount of content month over month in the DJ.

It shows that, not only are the authors of DJ doing a fantastic job of compiling all of the information, but also that there are high quality people doing great work across multiple domains of the project. I want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone continuously producing high quality work for the project, in all of the areas. It really brings a smile to my face every time I see just how much everyone is doing compiled into one place. It’s truly incredible to see.

(@davecgh on 2020-09-12)

If you haven’t already, check out June’s edition of the Decred Journal. Spending at least 30min with this document has always informed me of exciting progress on projects within the Decred ecosystem. I love this publication, as it is essentially the mothership of Decred news.

(Decred Drive on 2020-07-23)

@bee: sorry for spamming Decred Drive quotes here, I just love the sound of “mothership of Decred news” :)

Always love seeing names of “first time contributors with code merged to master” - welcome.

(Decred Drive on 2020-05-14)

Congrats DJ team on 2 years! The signal to noise on these journals is unreal. It captures and reveals decentralized human coordination at work. A real pleasure.

(u/oiezz on 2020-04-10)

Can’t imagine the Decred community without the Decred Journal. So much depth, and detail. (…) Reading through DJ issues always provide me with a sense for progress across the major software repositories - which is crucial to track and follow.

(Decred Drive on 2020-03-13)

Well known to much of the community, the Decred Journal is a comprehensive synopsis of monthly news about Decred, plus the most important external news and information. (…) The quality of the Journal matches the depth of thought that prevails within Decred, and well-represents the project.

(@Dustorf on 2020-02-26)

The Decred Journal was published for January 2020. Big thanks to Richard Red, Bee, and others for all their effort on this publication. It really makes such a massive difference to have a core publication within the Decred community. Incredible piece of work. There is so much color published in the Decred Journals, covering all aspects of the Decred ecosystem - it’s an amazing piece to go through once a month. I can only imagine, as Decred grows into a much larger global community, we may need a large team of people working on this just to cover everything that is happening - but that is going to be a good problem to have.

(Decred Drive on 2020-02-13)

I’m always impressed by the high quality and comprehensive coverage of these. Great work!

(@davecgh on 2020-02-08)

The audience was well impressed with the amount of effort and the level of detail the Decred contractors and community members put into the creation of Decred newsletters, publications, and the Decred Journal in particular, which, as they said themselves, rarely exists even in the world where people are very well compensated for their work.

(@kozel on 2020-02-05)

December’s issue of the Decred Journal was released! This is the mother-ship of Decred publications - highly recommend making a cup of coffee and taking 30min out of your week to read through in detail. If you’re not following the Decred Journal, then you’re missing out.

(The Decred Drive on 2020-01-16)

Being up-to-date with the Journal gives you tons of ammunition for meetups

(@kozel on 2019-11-28)

Every month without fail, the best presented and most insightful article you can find on any project. So thankful to have such a great team and community as a stakeholder!

(burfy174 on 2019-11-11)

Decred journal is the highest of quality.

The most full functioning DAO in the industry. Not just smart contracts, an entire protocol and human hive mind working for a common goal of sound money.

Decred is the most advanced digital organism on earth. Convince me otherwise.

(@Checkmate on 2019-07-11)

By far, the most prohibitive, insightful and professionally put together document by any project out there! You can literally shut yourself off from the project for a month, then read the monthly write up and be completely up with the play! Personifies the #DCR project. ‘QUALITY’

(burfy174 on 2019-07-11)

Great work on the journal @bee. I see comments frequently saying the journal is one of the highest quality information transmissions in crypto.

(@solar on 2019-06-10)

what’s great about the journal is that sometimes i don’t even particularly want to read it (e.g. because i’ve been following most of the events it covers already, much of it’s not particularly relevant to me, or i’ve helped produce it), but every time it drags me all the way through. almost against my will it seems lol. opening it is like getting on board a very mild mannered but fun roller coaster. no getting off until the conductor lets you

(@s_ben on 2019-06-04)

One of the projects the community did fund, for example, is the monthly Decred Journal. It may be the most comprehensive project marketing newsletter I have seen. It’s really, really good.

(Jeremy Epstein in blog on 2019-03-25)

jz: theagiledev: We also put together an excellent monthly recap in the Decred Journal: https://decredcommunity.com/blog/decred-journal-february-2019

theagiledev: Love to read the journal, thanks for the work everyone there does.

sambiohazard: yeah bee has been awesome with documenting everything under the sun.


i think the journal giving shoutouts to new contributors (and the code we built to detect them) is a good instance of that

i know seeing my name in the journal was a much needed “signal” that the hive liked me enough anyway

(@s_ben on 2019-03-04)

I appreciate the Decred Journal so much, it is possibly the best community focused effort.

(u/GroundbreakingSoup5 on 2019-02-13).

speaking of the journal. not sure how legit this review site is, but this overview of Decred that we were sharing a few days ago highlighted for me how much the journal captures.

the detail is such that you really do get to see a very holistic picture of basically all the relevant bits, which gives an impression (rightly) of a lot of work going on. i don’t know if we’re doing more than monero, but monero isn’t producing a view like this

i totally read the whole thing. and am kind of surprised each time. it gets to the lowest level of detail while still keeping every bit meaningful if you have a sense of the whole

(@s_ben on 2019-02-05)

Decred has quite a large and active grassroots community.

I’m surprised at how much is going on. It’s an impressive amount of activity that’s difficult to keep up with (it seems more active than Monero even).

The monthly journals are very comprehensive and helpful for getting a good overview and staying on top of what’s going on.

(Lee Banfield in blog on 2019-01-31)

I think the Decred ethos is the right path, keep putting in work, and over time all the vitriol and shilling is just noise. The gap in quality will be so evident that it will be hard to ignore. Decred Journal vs. XRP army, I like my odds.

(@wayfinder on 2019-01-25)

Decred Journal is seriously good stuff. I have fantasies about people a year from now spending all morning going through them one month at a time.

(@solar on 2018-12-07)

as a data point, i will say that being mentioned as a first time contributor in the september Decred Journal did give me a little boost and spurred me to continue contributing (i work on docs mostly, which is largely invisible). and i did eventually become a part-time contractor.

(@s_ben on 2018-12-01)